Why Are We So Hard on Ourselves?

Do you ever catch yourself replaying a mistake, harshly criticizing your decisions, or comparing yourself unfavorably to others? 🫢 If so, you’re not alone. Self-criticism is a nearly universal experience, but why are we so hard on ourselves? The answer lies in a mix of biology, psychology, and societal influence. By understanding the roots of our inner critic, we can begin to quiet that voice and replace it with one that empowers us instead.

Ridiculously Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

In today’s post, I’m sharing some simple yet powerful strategies to help you calm down when feeling stressed — these strategies are tested and proven to work for all busy women but especially attorneys.

Can Thoughts Physically Hurt You?

This month’s focus is on the brain and its remarkable capacity to foster new habits and influence our bodies. With a podcast exploring brain habits and neuroplasticity, our newsletter this month is adding another layer and exploring the impact our thinking habits have on our wellbeing and the results aren’t …

Staying Motivated when you Fail

At some point in life, we all experience moments of failure and frustration. Whether it’s not meeting our own expectations, facing setbacks, or feeling stuck in a rut, these emotions can weigh heavily on us and sap away our motivation. However, it’s crucial to remember that setbacks are a natural part of the journey toward success. The key lies in how we navigate these challenging moments and find the motivation to keep moving forward. Today, I want to explore some strategies to reignite your motivation when you’re feeling like a failure and frustrated.


While it is easy to let our calendar and practice run away from us and fill our days with myriad activities and to-do list items, a full calendar does not necessarily mean we’re operating with our overreaching priorities in mind. Instead a full calendar simply requires us to show up and execute without much thought behind it. Today we explore practical tips to focus your energy and take control of your days.

Overloaded and Angry

As a coach and practicing attorney, I am no stranger to being annoyed by other humans. Recently, I found myself dreading a particular meeting that was planted right in the middle of my afternoon. Through a series of events, I learned to appreciate small irritations and approach them in a way that not only gave me peace but freedom and a greater understanding of myself.

Family Drama

As we approach the beginning of this holiday season, I can’t help but think about families. Whether they are family by choice or family by default, we all have groups of people in our lives that we love and are thankful for yet, despite all that, these people that know us best also know how to best push our buttons. How can we better connect with these humans that sometimes make it difficult to be kind?

Harassed by Father Time?

I don’t believe I’ve ever had a session or worked with a client that was not seemingly persecuted by Father Time. Many of us believe that we don’t have enough time, that we’re running out of time, or that there is simply too much to do. How much of this is fixable? In a recent session I had with a friend, I was surprised at the answer to that question.

Perfectionist Tendencies

Many of my clients embrace perfectionism in one way or another. Outwardly, they appear successful and confident but their inner dialogues are filled with self-judgments and whole host of “shoulds” — things they should have done better, perfectly. As we unpack those patterns of negative self-talk and begin redirecting our brains to more worthy thoughts, it opens up yet another opportunity for self-judgment. How can we leverage failures to overcome our perfectionist tendencies?

Believing You Can Do It

What if instead of using negative self-talk to motivate ourselves, we choose to believe that we are inherently good enough and that we can be whomever we want to be?