Why Are We So Hard on Ourselves?

Do you ever catch yourself replaying a mistake, harshly criticizing your decisions, or comparing yourself unfavorably to others? 🫢 If so, you’re not alone. Self-criticism is a nearly universal experience, but why are we so hard on ourselves? The answer lies in a mix of biology, psychology, and societal influence. By understanding the roots of our inner critic, we can begin to quiet that voice and replace it with one that empowers us instead.

Ridiculously Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

In today’s post, I’m sharing some simple yet powerful strategies to help you calm down when feeling stressed — these strategies are tested and proven to work for all busy women but especially attorneys.

Staying Motivated when you Fail

At some point in life, we all experience moments of failure and frustration. Whether it’s not meeting our own expectations, facing setbacks, or feeling stuck in a rut, these emotions can weigh heavily on us and sap away our motivation. However, it’s crucial to remember that setbacks are a natural part of the journey toward success. The key lies in how we navigate these challenging moments and find the motivation to keep moving forward. Today, I want to explore some strategies to reignite your motivation when you’re feeling like a failure and frustrated.

The Real Reason You’re Exhausted

Do you ever have those days when you come home and you are just completely mentally and physically exhausted? Like this exhaustion is just there hovering around you like a dark fog and despite getting enough sleep and not being overly stressed, you can’t seem to shake it?!

The cause behind that exhaustion may surprise you.

Being a Good Leader

As lawyers we often sign up for chaos. Many of us thrive in it. But here’s the thing about chaos: chaos, like all parts of life, provides us an opportunity to learn and evolve and do the chaos better next time. Unfortunately, many of us just want to enjoy the end of the chaos and be thankful we survived. We regroup and brace for the next round. But in that regrouping there is also an opportunity to debrief and make the next round of chaos much less painful.

Overloaded and Angry

As a coach and practicing attorney, I am no stranger to being annoyed by other humans. Recently, I found myself dreading a particular meeting that was planted right in the middle of my afternoon. Through a series of events, I learned to appreciate small irritations and approach them in a way that not only gave me peace but freedom and a greater understanding of myself.

I’m Running Out of Time

Recently, I have been inundated with clients overwhelmed with the idea that they are “running out of time” for one thing or another. While I fully understand the importance of setting goals and having something to work for, what does it mean when we say that we are running out of time? Does that fear drive us to soar even higher or are the results more nefarious?

Give Yourself a Break

In a world where everyone is so connected and the lines between our home and our professional lives have become so blurred, the need to set boundaries and start paying attention to our automatic impulses to constantly check our email and be available are critically important.