Mind Hacks That Will Help You Achieve Anything You Want

Manifesting isn’t for everyone but there are some brainy hacks that can help you achieve anything you set your heart on. So, let’s kick off 2025 with some fancy mind work. After all, we can all agree that achieving your goals and living the life you desire often starts with your mindset.

Why Are We So Hard on Ourselves?

Do you ever catch yourself replaying a mistake, harshly criticizing your decisions, or comparing yourself unfavorably to others? 🫢 If so, you’re not alone. Self-criticism is a nearly universal experience, but why are we so hard on ourselves? The answer lies in a mix of biology, psychology, and societal influence. By understanding the roots of our inner critic, we can begin to quiet that voice and replace it with one that empowers us instead.

How to Make Friends as an Adult

As most of us are pressed for time it seems a lot easier to simply lament the fact that we don’t have a large friend group any longer than to expend the effort in time it makes to create new friendships. But in reality there are a lot of simple ways to make friends that will not only further that goal but will likely fulfill other interests that make us well-rounded, happier humans.

When Others Judge Us

I’ve been thinking a lot about decisions. Big ones. The kinds that open you up to all sorts of criticisms. These big decisions have one huge hurdle in common: they bring us face to face with others’ judgements.

But are they really others’ judgement or are they coming from somewhere closer to home?

Making it Happen

All things are yin and yang and there are always going to be things that we simply don’t want to do. It is during those moments when we can rise up as fully grown humans and accept that even when there are things we don’t want to do, we must simply accept that part of life and proceed anyway.

Is It Me or the Job?

One of the most common recurring themes I encounter when working with new clients is the question: is it me or is it the job? Today I want to explore a simple exploration you can undertake to get to the bottom of this critical and terrifying question.

Feeling Stuck

There are all these rules about how we are supposed to live and how things are supposed to work out and many of us wholeheartedly believe these rules and it is keeping us stagnant. How to get unstuck and open to new possibilities.

Taking Authentic Action

Recently, I’ve found myself coming back to a mantra my own lawyer lady coach has used with me for years. I’ve been thinking about this mantra lately as I work with clients who are driving toward big changes. If you find yourself at a crossroads, wanting to shake things up a bit, I offer this mantra to you as a means to guide your forward motion.

Finding Your Voice

As attorneys, we are hired to advocate and be the knowledge voices of our clients–why do we struggle to advocate for ourselves?