This article explores the concept of people pleasing, its signs, reasons behind it, and how it can negatively impact your life. It also provides insights on how to overcome this behavior and prioritize your own needs.

Life & Career Coaching for Lawyers
Life & Career Coaching for Lawyers
This article explores the concept of people pleasing, its signs, reasons behind it, and how it can negatively impact your life. It also provides insights on how to overcome this behavior and prioritize your own needs.
People pleasing tendencies. We’ve all got them. It may seem like simple Midwest Nice but at it’s core, people-pleasing is rooted in deception. When we put the needs and feelings of others before our own, we relegate our truth. We relegate our voices and we implicitly acknowledge that we are less important that those we are desperately trying to please.
Logically, most of us know that we should be saying “no” far more than we are. Most us want more time, more balance, and more space. We know that saying “no” is an obvious step in the direction of those goals. But why is saying “no” so hard and so painful? What is it about setting that boundary that makes us cringe?
So many of my clients back themselves into a corner, agreeing to do things that they don’t REALLY want to do, things that they shouldn’t do, things that ask them to color outside the lines. They agree to do it because they feel like they “should” help as much as they can. But then as they settle into the work, they are fuming. All because of this word “should.”