In today’s post, I’m sharing some simple yet powerful strategies to help you calm down when feeling stressed — these strategies are tested and proven to work for all busy women but especially attorneys.

Life & Career Coaching for Lawyers
Life & Career Coaching for Lawyers
In today’s post, I’m sharing some simple yet powerful strategies to help you calm down when feeling stressed — these strategies are tested and proven to work for all busy women but especially attorneys.
When you find yourself in that panicked mode of productivity and you are running around putting out fires, everything can feel like an emergency. Why living in this kind of fight or flight will only lead to disaster and how to snap out of it.
One of the biggest challenges in any career is how to stay focused, motivated, and avoid frazzle, or even worse burnout.
Over the next few weeks, I will tackle each of these challenges separately. Today, I want to focus on burnout.
I started pursuing meditation as a means to find more peace in my work and home life. As any overachiever personality would do, I downloaded three meditation timers and ordered 10 meditation books and manuals. I wasn’t just going to meditate; I was going to be the BEST meditator. (Move over, Siddhartha.)