How can we better connect with these humans who sometimes make it difficult to be kind? Let’s talk about navigating family drama, holiday chaos, and a simple tool to help along the way.

Life & Career Coaching for Lawyers
Life & Career Coaching for Lawyers
How can we better connect with these humans who sometimes make it difficult to be kind? Let’s talk about navigating family drama, holiday chaos, and a simple tool to help along the way.
As we approach the beginning of this holiday season, I can’t help but think about families. Whether they are family by choice or family by default, we all have groups of people in our lives that we love and are thankful for yet, despite all that, these people that know us best also know how to best push our buttons. How can we better connect with these humans that sometimes make it difficult to be kind?
This year for the holidays, I have been spending a lot of time thinking about relationships and our interactions with other people in our lives. The holidays often conjure up tense emotions and thoughts about family members and friends. Rather than looking forward to spending time with those we love, we often spend time re-hashing old fights and salting old wounds. How to deal.