Today, the behavior of a small child on a school bus completely rocked my world. She has inspired me to find my voice and set in motion the ripple effects of painful honesty.

Life & Career Coaching for Lawyers
Life & Career Coaching for Lawyers
Today, the behavior of a small child on a school bus completely rocked my world. She has inspired me to find my voice and set in motion the ripple effects of painful honesty.
Just because our logic-reasoning skills have improved and we know that it’s not prudent to lie about things that are likely memorialized on camera, it doesn’t mean we have gotten any better at accepting the results of our actions. Most of us have just gotten really good at dressing our blame up in prettier clothing: victim clothing.
One recent study concluded that sexual harassment in the legal industry is at epidemic proportions. Sadly, I have never met a woman in the legal industry who has not experienced some of these challenges.
Yet, despite our ability to clearly articulate ourselves and zealously defend others, so many of my clients and colleagues shy away from defending themselves.
Why is that?