Wanting to build a brand and develop more clients but not sure how to get started? Today, I share some of the interesting and surprising things I learned during my time building and leading my own practice group.

Life & Career Coaching for Lawyers
Life & Career Coaching for Lawyers
Wanting to build a brand and develop more clients but not sure how to get started? Today, I share some of the interesting and surprising things I learned during my time building and leading my own practice group.
Wondering if you have what it takes to create the life of your dreams? The answer might surprise you.
Many of my clients are resistant to making themselves a priority. Time is money. I get it.
I also get that you have the choice of just “doing” your practice or “investing” in your practice. One will take you much farther than the other but it will first require some priority shifting.
Early on in my practice, I had a mentor who told me, “Never forget that it’s all about relationships.” He was trying to explain to me that there was no magic bullet to marketing—if the relationship wasn’t there, if the other person didn’t like and respect you on some level, you would never work together.
But it’s not just about the clients. The same thing holds true for my relationship with fellow attorneys and bosses.
Rules for playing well with other lawyers and co-workers…
When I was mid-level associate, I was recruited by another firm to build and chair a new practice group in my specialty. It was a huge task and brought with it some pretty monumental challenges. After a period of 6 years, I had successfully created a thriving practice group with three partners, an associate, summer clerks and a paralegal. Small, yes, but we took the firm from zero to millions of dollars in revenue in that practice area in just a few years. Because of that experience, young attorneys often sought me out for advice on how to build their own practice or niche.
The following are my ramblings for building a thriving practice. Take them as you will. Everyone’s experience will be different.