Many attorneys come to me for coaching support because they don’t know what to do next. They are overwhelmed with the possibilities for their life and they want to know how to figure out where to focus their energies now that they have come so far. In those crossroad moments, there is one very important question to ask yourself.
Wanting It Is Not Enough – Part 2
Once you know what you want in your life, how do you make it happen? Today’s blog explores the critical step to transform your list of dreams into a list of accomplishments.
Wanting It Is Not Enough – Part 1
The first and most critical step to go from wanting to do something to actually getting it done.
How to Make Any Decision
When we are faced with a choice that could have lasting repercussions, how do we know when to take the leap and when to stay put?
Standing In Your Own Way
In order to create the life of our dreams, we have to be open to the possibility that what we have been believing all along is not necessarily true. It’s just our opinion. In other words, we cannot shift any beliefs until we find ourselves in a place where we can see the old beliefs as what they are — not facts and clearly not places we choose to our energy. Only from there can we shift our energy to something new and start creating something new.
Why We Procrastinate (and how to stop)
Procrastination much? We all do it from time to time and, with effort, we can develop different habits. Dare I say, we can stop procrastinating for good?
The Biggest Lie You Tell Every Day
I don’t know. Have you ever noticed how often we use that phrase? When we think about verbal pauses, many of us immediately think of “um” and “uh” but we often forget about this funny little string of words that we throw around to fill awkward silences or to deflect our discomfort. Today, we consider how these three little words, when used unconsciously in this manner, can rob you of your credibility and make you a liar.
Doing the Hard Things
Ever wonder why you haven’t accomplished all of your dreams? Today we get to the root of the problem. You might be surprised with the answer!
Whether we admit it or not, we all make excuses from time to time. Lately, I have been seeing so many more excuses founded in the pandemic. It’s easy to blame the pandemic for our weight gain, bad habits, and not taking action. It’s easy to buy into these statements and carry them with us as our justifications for not taking action. But the pandemic is not to blame for your inaction. None of your excuses are factual. They are simply opinions; opinions that are keeping you from living the life you really want.
We all want to be more confident and when we think about our ideal selves, that woman lives in a bubble of quiet confidence. She is never afraid to speak her mind and she trusts her ability to do anything. So, if our work together is to help you move one step closer to that ideal version of yourself, the next question invariably is:
How do I get there?