Do you ever catch yourself replaying a mistake, harshly criticizing your decisions, or comparing yourself unfavorably to others? 🫢 If so, you’re not alone. Self-criticism is a nearly universal experience, but why are we so hard on ourselves? The answer lies in a mix of biology, psychology, and societal influence. By understanding the roots of our inner critic, we can begin to quiet that voice and replace it with one that empowers us instead.
Ridiculously Simple Ways to Reduce Stress
In today’s post, I’m sharing some simple yet powerful strategies to help you calm down when feeling stressed — these strategies are tested and proven to work for all busy women but especially attorneys.
When Others Judge Us
I’ve been thinking a lot about decisions. Big ones. The kinds that open you up to all sorts of criticisms. These big decisions have one huge hurdle in common: they bring us face to face with others’ judgements.
But are they really others’ judgement or are they coming from somewhere closer to home?
Shame and Public Failures
It is not uncommon in coaching to work through big decisions One of the reasons some decisions seem so impossible is because there are some choices in life that feel like they put us on a stage for public shaming and ridicule. So how do we navigate the court of public opinion and make decisions when it feels terrifying?
I’m Running Out of Time
Recently, I have been inundated with clients overwhelmed with the idea that they are “running out of time” for one thing or another. While I fully understand the importance of setting goals and having something to work for, what does it mean when we say that we are running out of time? Does that fear drive us to soar even higher or are the results more nefarious?
Give Yourself a Break
In a world where everyone is so connected and the lines between our home and our professional lives have become so blurred, the need to set boundaries and start paying attention to our automatic impulses to constantly check our email and be available are critically important.
Self Doubt
A common theme amongst we lady attorneys? The tendency to fail ahead of time. You know that feeling when everything seems to be going well on paper but you just. can’t. seem. to get excited and believe it’s going to work out? That feeling of constant dread and failure (before the ax has even dropped) is what we call failing ahead of time. Today we are going to explore this concept why it is critical to your success to stop this pattern.
Feeling Stuck
There are all these rules about how we are supposed to live and how things are supposed to work out and many of us wholeheartedly believe these rules and it is keeping us stagnant. How to get unstuck and open to new possibilities.
When You Fall Apart
It’s not unusual for an epic meltdown to be the catalyst for clients to start working with me. As professionals, we are trained to balance and juggle so many difficult and challenging things. So why is it that sometimes, we just fall apart, despite our best efforts to keep it all together? The answer might surprise you.
Avoiding Burnout
When you realize that you are giving more than you want to and your historical pattern of pushing harder and harder no longer serves you, it is a calling to re-evaluate your motivations and reconsider how you want to show up during this next season of your life.