Ridiculously Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

In today’s post, I’m sharing some simple yet powerful strategies to help you calm down when feeling stressed — these strategies are tested and proven to work for all busy women but especially attorneys.

Discovering Your True Career Path

This month we are talking about life alignment and specifically evaluating whether or not our lives and our careers reflect our deepest intentions and align with the people that we want to be at our core.

Can Thoughts Physically Hurt You?

This month’s focus is on the brain and its remarkable capacity to foster new habits and influence our bodies. With a podcast exploring brain habits and neuroplasticity, our newsletter this month is adding another layer and exploring the impact our thinking habits have on our wellbeing and the results aren’t …

Work Place Red Flags (and how to deal)

It’s not uncommon for attorneys to question their sanity in the face of a dysfunctional work environment which is all too common in the legal industry. Today we are digging into endemic toxicity in the legal industry to help you better understand whether your workplace is a danger to your mental health and long term well-being and what to do about it.

How to Leave Law and Pivot

It’s amazing to me how often I encounter women who are chomping at the bit to leave the practice of law for good. Many of these women already have side gigs that they have started and others have secret hopes and plans stuffed away in the closet waiting for a …

To Partnership or Not?

As women and as attorneys we are really good at following instructions. We received a guidebook on how to become a successful attorney and we executed all of the steps. The LSAT, law school, the bar exam, the clerkships, the summer associate programs, the first big job. The next ingredient in this perceived recipe for success is a big one: to make partner or not to make partner?

Is It Me or the Job?

One of the most common recurring themes I encounter when working with new clients is the question: is it me or is it the job? Today I want to explore a simple exploration you can undertake to get to the bottom of this critical and terrifying question.

Changing Jobs

What I have found in my own experience and those of my clients is that whatever failing we are trying to get away from typically has something to teach us and will follow us wherever we go until we get to the bottom of it.

Avoiding Burnout

When you realize that you are giving more than you want to and your historical pattern of pushing harder and harder no longer serves you, it is a calling to re-evaluate your motivations and reconsider how you want to show up during this next season of your life.