
Just because our logic-reasoning skills have improved and we know that it’s not prudent to lie about things that are likely memorialized on camera, it doesn’t mean we have gotten any better at accepting the results of our actions. Most of us have just gotten really good at dressing our blame up in prettier clothing: victim clothing.

Toxic Beliefs

There are going to be people in your life who are going to challenge you. As an attorney, I can fully buy into the idea of toxic work environments and all the challenges that go along with them. But today, I want to back up the conversation one step and examine what it means for someone or some place to be “toxic”? What I have found is that this idea of “toxicity” is filled with more drama than fact.

Making Peace

When our steps forward are harder than they should be and we find ourselves just forcing every action, we have to ask ourselves what is going on behind the scenes? Is there an opportunity to make peace and release some dead weight?

I’m Not Going To Make It

Our beliefs about ourselves and our abilities bubble below the surface in everything that we do.

I can support you to identify your negative thinking patterns and shift to some prettier thinking but if the beliefs you have about yourself are toxic, none of our work will stick.

Negative Feelings

One of the drawbacks of living in a society where everyone is so interconnected and everyone’s lives are constantly on display, is that it blurs the lines of reality. Not only do these outlets influence our beliefs about ourselves but they perpetuate the belief that we should be happy all the time.

How do we handle the bad days?

Selling Yourself Short

I have been thinking a lot about our emotions and how it is so amazing that those subtle, invisible vibrations in our bodies drive everything we do.

You Can’t Do That

We all have our baggage and ugly thoughts we carry around.

Even with all the
skills I can teach you, you will
never EVER do away with ugly thinking.

With practice, you can get better at shifting where possible. And, where that’s not possible, carry it with you.


When mansplaining meets your workplace and furthermore, a workplace predominantly staffed by men, mansplaining takes on a whole different personality and meaning for all parties. How to deal.

Negativity Bias

There is something magnetic about the negative news these days. Why is it that so many of us are drawn to it?


One of the biggest challenges in any career is how to stay focused, motivated, and avoid frazzle, or even worse burnout.

Over the next few weeks, I will tackle each of these challenges separately. Today, I want to focus on burnout.