It’s not unusual for an epic meltdown to be the catalyst for clients to start working with me. As professionals, we are trained to balance and juggle so many difficult and challenging things. So why is it that sometimes, we just fall apart, despite our best efforts to keep it all together? The answer might surprise you.
Believing You Can Do It
What if instead of using negative self-talk to motivate ourselves, we choose to believe that we are inherently good enough and that we can be whomever we want to be?
Being Good Enough
What if being human and being the best version of ourselves simply meant that sometimes we wonder if we’re doing it right?
Snap Out of It
In the complicated world of practicing law, many of my clients are playing a role in what Stephen Karpman calls the “drama triangle.” I often see my clients vacillating between the victim role and the rescuer. How to move out of drama and into empowerment.
Standing In Your Own Way
In order to create the life of our dreams, we have to be open to the possibility that what we have been believing all along is not necessarily true. It’s just our opinion. In other words, we cannot shift any beliefs until we find ourselves in a place where we can see the old beliefs as what they are — not facts and clearly not places we choose to our energy. Only from there can we shift our energy to something new and start creating something new.
Why You Are Frustrated
When we find ourselves living in frustration over the circumstances of our lives we must take a step back and acknowledge that what is making us frustrated is not the events around us but rather our thinking about them.
The Career or the Family?
I can’t have a family and practice law. This type of thinking is common for many women seeking their place in the legal industry. We are often surrounded by women who seemingly sacrifice everything to find success. But what if you didn’t have to choose? What if you could have both?
They Don’t Like You
Humans are social animals. There is a part of us that is drawn to community. So when a seed is planted that we are not liked, it’s easy to become consumed with worries and fantasized arguments with others. Not only does this waste your energy in the moment, it’s typically unwarranted. When we get curious about our “I’m disliked” fantasies, we can uncover the root of the issue.
When Your Boss is the Villain…
Whenever we find our lives dripping in dramatics and heightened emotions, we must consider: which role are we playing?
Just because our logic-reasoning skills have improved and we know that it’s not prudent to lie about things that are likely memorialized on camera, it doesn’t mean we have gotten any better at accepting the results of our actions. Most of us have just gotten really good at dressing our blame up in prettier clothing: victim clothing.